The scientific hub introduces the medical community gathered in Bucaramanga within the frame of the Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Reanimation.
It´s the division of clinical investigation of the Pharma Unit of Clever Leaves
It is projected as worldwide leading investigation unit in the development of scientific evidence around cannabis grade Pharma and the endocannabiniod system.
It provides a unique research platform, multinational and interdisciplinary for health professionals, medical centers, education centers, product and crop enterprises focused on cannabis, aiming to provide trust and the security that doctors and patients require in this new therapeutic area.
The 21 rst of august of 2019, Clever Leaves announces the start up of the first phase of its scientific hub, a research division that joins professionals with wide experience in clinical areas and research in the pharmaceutical industry.
Aiming to answer the doubts about cannabis and the endocannabinoid system, we project Colombia as a powerhouse in research and knowledge production on medical cannabis.
Contribute in the construction of solid evidence about cannabis grade pharma and keep providing knowledge about the endocannabiniod system, the hub is focused on research, education and the strengthening of the scientific community around medical cannabis.
The scientific hub phases are 3: Education, research and development, treatment support.
In education, with the following objectives
Strengthen and spread the current knowledge about the endocannabiniod system and medical cannabis.
Bring closer the medical community to the concept and understanding of the endocannabiniod system medical cannabis.
Offer training in medical cannabis to health professionals in the endocannabiniod system and medical cannabis.
Among other, we have developed:
- 2 certificates in medical cannabis, in partnership with the Universidad del Rosario. More than 90 hours, focused on the formation of doctors and health professionals in the
- Excellency course at the Universidad de los Andes.
- Participation as speakers in national and international congresses.
- Development of research seeds. Universidad del Rosario, seedbed FUCS
- To date, we have developed alliances with the Universidad del Rosario, Meredi Hospital, The Scare and MEDT
For the second phase of investigation and development, we will provide the scientific community with a solid research platform for the development of knowledge of medical cannabis and the endocannabinoid system, and also tools for efficient and effective data and recollection in order to give solutions to the cannabis topics yet to be described.
Clever leaves is highly committed to foster a scientific investigation in the country, given a clear support to the Pharma Unit and showing commitment and responsibility to the effective and safe treatment to patients.
The third HUB phase, treatment support will be centered in the back up of institutions that start the attention to clients, once the legislation in Colombia allows OTC products available in the market.
In this third phase, where the patient is the fundamental axe for treatment, the personal training to doctors will be fostered through the platform. Interaction from treating doctors around will be carried out.
Digital help will be developed for data recollection according to Colombian normativity, as well for the proper follow up of clinical objectives that each doctor hopes to reach for his/her patient.